About Us
Authentically lead your Team and Organisation to greater Effectiveness
Moya Transformation Facilitators was founded in 2004 by Dr Tineke Wulffers, initially to provide organisational coaching. It has since evolved to embrace a more specific focus on the purpose and vision that it wishes to embrace globally, both in collaboration with other leadership development organisations, and an its own.
Moya’s vision is to see a higher quality of positively effective organisational leadership both in South Africa and globally; leaders, like Nelson Mandela, that leave behind powerful legacies, and others wish to emulate. Such profound leaders can navigate themselves and their followers not only in good weather, but also in stormy weather. This requires a strong internal moral leadership compass, as can be found in Authentic Leadership.
Companies we've worked with

Countries we've worked in
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
United States
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
United States
Below are a list of our various leadership offerings that we offer.
Pre-Leadership Development Assessments
Authentic Leadership Effectiveness for Individuals and Teams
One-on-One Leadership & Executive Coaching
Systemic Team Coaching (STC)
ALE Coaching for Existing Leadership Coaches
Leader as Coach Training
Presentation and participation in conferences and webinars
Post-Graduate lecturing, supervision and examinations
Coaching needs to support individuals’ growth by helping them to understand themselves better
Feedback from previous clients
Tineke has taken our executive team through an Authentic Leadership program where the team, but even more so, the individuals benefitted markedly (in my opinion). I was one of those individuals. Her program and approach had a significant impact on me as an individual and I believe fit in perfectly with the Leadership Behaviour work currently happening at senior levels. In my new role I also recommended her to one of the other leadership teams and she successfully “transformed” that team – including the GM, from a below par performing group to now probably the second best performing brewery in the group.
WBExecutive Leader, Manufacturing, SA Breweries
I can categorically state, that in all aspects of my personal, interpersonal and professional leadership skills, there has been a tangible personal benefit. My awareness of self and others, my awareness of how I can be a better leader, and my application of the authentic leadership principles and frameworks have been powerfully impactful on my relationship with my loved ones, my team, my colleagues, and I have reaped the rewards in terms of my division’s performance. My team has become a highly effective team, with strong performances and results.
NAExecutive, MTN South Africa
The coaching partnership with Tineke made a massive impact on the organisation and on me personally. The speed of execution and quality of integrated and aligned business solutions provided by department increased exponentially. The business (and my boss) was increasingly valuing my opinions on critical matters. My team grew to an extent that they were being sought in other business units, thus I was able to contribute to having high impact HR professionals in the group (some have been promoted into more senior roles in other business units within the organisation). I was promoted into an executive role that more than tripled my previous portfolio, but I was emotionally and mentally ready for the challenge.
KMExecutive Leader, Sasol
The return on investment in a pure financial sense is within a month. In just one of our KPI’s, we saved 4 Million Rand. That’s just one KPI. The return on investment is very quick. It’s massive. It’s much more than tenfold.
JNGeneral Manager – Brewery no #2, SA Breweries
My Authentic Leadership journey with you was priceless – one which I cannot measure in any monetary value. One has to experience this to know what I mean. I know I am better leader following the coaching, I have made wiser, sounder choices of people that I have employed and how we work together achieving higher productively and mutual goals. I have a strong leadership purpose and highly cognisant of this purpose - I deliver with this purpose at the centre of all that I do. My journey and my transformation have made others I engage with, reflect on who they are. I truly believe I have made my manager relook at her life and goals and leadership.
RPSenior Leader, Standard Bank
I derived tremendous value from our coaching because it helped me think about leadership and myself in a different way. As a consequence, I have started to make changes to my behaviour and thinking in order to be the ‘inspirational Z’ that I want to be. An obvious example of this is learning to ‘let go’ because ‘holding on’ can be the antithesis of ‘inspiring’. In the corporate environment I understood better that in addition to leading one’s team, a leadership is sideways and upwards too. Additionally, I started to think about leadership in the home environment, something that is very important to me, but often neglected.
ZAExecutive leader – SABIC
I derived immense value from this coaching, and managed to address developmental issues I have had throughout my career and never managed to resolve despite training over many years. I also feel that the improvements I have made are lasting, and that I can maintain them even after the coaching sessions have ended. I am much more effective in my role than I was before. I always had the technical skills to be effective, but my inhibiting thoughts and behaviours were preventing me from giving 100%. Tineke has really had a profound positive impact in my life and I am very grateful for the opportunity to be coached by her.
VCSenior Leader, Edcon
The manner in which you partnered me in my journey, is that you became a confidante, friend, coach, and an objective soundboard (this was extremely valuable as there was no fear to question any topic). You challenged my every single belief, value and behaviour in my life, allowing me to clarify who I am and becoming, leading to contentment, knowing that I am ok. As a result, I can live my life with confidence again, whilst understanding that my wellbeing is my responsibility alone. This is a journey every person must take at least once in their life.
NSSenior Leader, Standard Bank
Tineke’s approach is for people who seriously want to change and are prepared to take the time and make the effort to undergo one of the most important journeys of their lives – it is life changing – for the better! Nothing good comes without some sacrifice. Therefore, I was happy to work hard at this because it paid-off for me, my family, friends and colleagues.
KRKR, Senior Leader, Industrial Development Corporation
I loved the coaching journey with you. I felt supported, encouraged and appropriately challenged to move to the next level of possibility. My life is back on track; I’m proactive and have increased my emotional intelligence and personal mastery. I’ve broken from bad habits of being out of control of my own life and am able to redirect towards my purpose. This had a lovely impact on my special relationships with others, both personally and at work. Tineke is an authentic, effective coach. Her style creates safety while both challenging to support growth, on a spiritual, mental and emotional level. A true coach on the “inside out” approach! I celebrate my success, and yours Tineke!
LKSenior Leader, Sasol