Professional and Academic Offerings
Professional and Academic offerings provided
More Information On The Offerings We Provide
1. Pre-Leadership Development Assessments

Before engaging in a leadership development intervention, it is always useful to experience feedback of a self-assessment, or even better still, a 360 sense of the development gaps to focus on. This applies both to individual leaders and leadership teams. We are an accredited provider for the following assessments and feedback:
- Identity Compass
- HayGroup 360 Esci
- Team Connect-TC360
- Identity Compass Identity Compass® is an innovative assessment instrument that uses an inventory of 'thinking structures'. It registers how people think and how they make decisions in typical work situations. It highlights what motivates employees, what their values are and what their natural career goals would be.
Identity Compass® gives clear guidance on which employees are likely to perform best in which situations and how improvements can be achieved via training and/or coaching in order to improve performance in the workplace.
Identity Compass®registers thinking styles, personal motivation factors and their realisation, the method of information recording and processing as well as personal assets (skill sets). Instead of measuring 3-4 factors and ascribing to each of them a certain number of attributes, as do the older assessment tools, Identity Compass®measures 51 attributes (thinking patterns) directly and achieves thereby a precision unknown before. Identity Compass®profiles are much easier to interpret because the focus is on one attribute at a time. - HayGroup 360 Esci (Emotional and Social Competency Inventoryprofiling. The Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI) is a 360-degree tool designed to assess the emotional competencies of individuals and organisations. The four main sets of skills are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Emotional Self-Awareness, the ability to know yourself and understand your feelings.
- Team Connect -TC360 – Team Connect 360 (TC360) is a unique team 360 feedback tool which quickly and efficiently generates insights into how a team is perceived - by its stakeholders and by members of the team. TC360 provides breadth and depth of insight into your team’s stakeholders’ view and perceptions - – and what's needed for success. The report reveals the current needs your business has of the team in question. The TC360 questionnaire is structured around the ‘Five Disciplines’ needed for high-performing teams, based on the work of Professor Peter Hawkins. These include:
- Meeting stakeholder expectations
- Fulfilling team tasks effectively.
- Building collaborative team relationships
- Connecting well with stakeholders
- Becoming a learning team
Team Connect 360 (TC360) therefore is a unique team 360 feedback tool which quickly and efficiently generates insights into how a team is perceived - by its stakeholders and by members of the team itself. This focuses and fast-tracks a Systemic Team Coaching journey to take any team and organisation to a level where they can effectively achieve together what they never could achieve apart. -
- Barrett Cultural Transformation The Cultural Values Assessment provides you with detailed understanding of the personal motivations of employees, their experience within your organisation, and the direction the organisation should be heading.
2. Authentic Leadership Effectiveness for Individuals & Teams

This programme can be offered on an individual basis to leaders, or it can be offered to individual and team leadership. The individual and team ALE programme commences with the development of individual ALE, followed by the development of team ALE. The programme usually assumes the format of six structured individual face-to-face coaching sessions per leader, approximately two weeks apart. This is followed by three team-coaching sessions, approximately one month apart, during which interpersonal and organisational leadership within the team is enhanced through collective training, coaching, and experiential learning. The content can be somewhat tailored according to emerging individual and team requirements.
The purely individual programme assumes an approximately 20-hour coaching format, of which the first half follows the same format as the individual and team ALE programme. Thereafter, the second half continues along the format of normal executive coaching.
For more information on the development of individual and team authentic leadership effectiveness, learn more about it in Chapters 6 and 7, ‘High-level and Detailed Overview of an Authentic Leadership Programme’ - in the book, entitled ‘Authentic Leadership Effectiveness for Individuals and Teams – A Coaching Approach’.
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3. One-on-One Leadership & Executive Coaching

Whilst coaching is a conversation, it is not simply a chat, nor is it teaching, training, telling, counselling, or mentoring. Coaching is about facilitating change through listening, challenging, supporting, questioning, testing, and giving feedback. It is about understanding how we manage our brain for more effective performance in life and work. It is about facilitating new awareness, new solutions and outcomes, through dialogue.
We offer one-to-one coaching for senior and executive leadership. It is our belief that each one of us needs to be able to truly understand and lead ourselves before we can be successful in leading others.
Coaching needs to support individuals’ growth by helping them to understand themselves better, to reflect on their work, to challenge their assumptions, and to experiment with new behaviours and attitudes. Not only does this allow individuals to build more power within, to have a better understanding of self and others, and build up a self-coaching and development toolkit, it also gives teams and organisations the advantage of having compelling role models, ideally resulting in a positive impact on their bottom lines.
4. Systemic Team Coaching (STC)

Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.” — Patrick Lencioni – 2002
In a rapidly changing world where uncertainty and ambiguity are the new normal, companies don’t always have the luxury of working with individuals only. They require a way of impacting the whole system all at once, and to work from the outside-in, and simultaneously from the inside-back-out.
Even the smartest leaders will experience limited effectiveness if their team (or the greater system) is dysfunctional. Systemic Team Coaching (STC) (aspects of which also can apply in individual coaching), goes beyond traditional individual and team coaching and focuses not only on the systemic members; rather, it also focuses on the connections between the different nested systems in their environment and how to influence the right kind of change within and outside of the team.
5. Leader as Coach Training

More and more organisations are realising the value of their people, and that that there is a better and more empowering way of managing and leading self and others in the workplace. We assist organisations by offering journeys that equips their leaders to develop coaching skills that allow empowering and inspirational interactions with others.
6. ALE Coaching for Existing Leadership Coaches

This training considers the need for positive leadership effective. It introduces what authentic leadership (AL) entails, and how it relates to various forms of positive leadership. It highlights the positive impact individual and team authentic leadership effectiveness (ALE) typically has across various personal and organisational contexts. More specifically it explores the impact of AL on enhancing inter-relational trust, and individual and team leadership effectiveness. It explores the criteria that are important in the development of individual and team ALE, and how this can be developed by means of an individual and team coaching programme. Finally, participating coaches to experience the six steps of individual ALE coaching.
The accreditation training for coaching for individual authentic leadership effectiveness comprises 5 days, 4 consecutive days and the 5th day one month later. This training will consist of theory, demonstration, and practice, and during this experiential training, delegates will go through the actual ALE journey themselves as they experience giving and receiving ALE coaching.
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7. Master Classes, and Participation in Conferences & Webinars

Two-hour virtual or face-to-face organisation-specific Master classes are a very effective way to test the need and appetite for individual and team leadership development in any organisation. Dr Tineke Wulffers’ interactive Master Classes usually attracts a high level of engagement, and her most recent topics include:
- Can Authentic Leaders be Developed?
- Enhancing Authentic Leadership Effectiveness (ALE) in Individuals
- Developing Authentic Leadership Effectiveness in female leaders
- Developing Authentic Leadership Effectiveness in younger leaders
- Enhancing systemic Authentic Leadership Effectiveness in Teams
- Developing your organisation’s systemic True North. Remain relevant and future-fit in a post-Covid19 World!
- Developing an Internal Compass towards Sustainable Authentic Leadership Effectiveness!
- The importance of systemic team development in growing your team to its highest potential.
Tineke is also a popular and engaging presenter at conferences and webinars.
8. Post-Graduate lecturing, supervising & examining

Academic background: Dr Tineke Wulffers is a post-graduate lecturer, supervisor and examiner at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) and Wits Business School (WBS) in South Africa. Her unique value-add and passion fall in the area of sharing knowledge on the development of individual and team Authentic Leadership Effectiveness. In addition, she also lectures Doctoral students on the Qualitative Data analysis, using Atlas.ti, a Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS). Until now, she has usually lectured face-to-face, and with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, she has learnt to lecture virtually, both synchronously and asynchronously.
There is immense value in being both a practitioner and researcher in the area of leadership development and especially in the area of Authentic Leadership, which is currently being focused on in response to the recent spate of reported unethical scandals in the organisational world. Tineke has been well-training on both post-graduate supervision and assessing, and provides these services to various business schools at both Masters and Doctoral levels. For more information on her academic qualifications, her publications and memberships in international coaching and leadership organisations, or to engage her services, please contact us below.