Who amongst us a year ago would ever have expected for the world to be where it is today? It truly can be equated to the 13th fairy that was ignored at our peril. We have lost so much of what was valuable to us before, not only at an individual level, but also in teams, organisations, and in national and international economies.
I recently ran an ‘Authentic Leadership Effectiveness for Individuals’ master class on Zoom for a number of leaders in an international organisation, and following is how I kicked off the session. I shared that in about April this year, I woke up just after midnight, and it was as if I heard the following conversation between Covid19 and the world:
- COVID-19 to the world: What on earth do you think you are doing?
- World to COVID-19: So busy with doing, don’t have time to think!
- COVID-19: Hmmm… I think I can help you with that….
I followed on with the question: Nine months into SA Covid-19: What, if any, positive effects might Covid19 have had thus far in putting your life and the world onto a better trajectory?
Here were some of the responses, grouped into themes:
- Team / human connection: I felt very connected with my team… | being closer to the team with coffee sessions | It helped drive home the reminder of the importance of relationships with people at home and at work. | Human interaction is more valuable
- Team adaptability and agility: new ways of working: It forced us to evolve very quickly with different ways of working | understand that we can be productive from home | Learn that the mix work from home + office works very well… very productive…
- Work-life balance: Great work-life balance for the first time in my career | Working from home and try to make time for the family | got familiar with the kitchen again | Had great home-made pancakes | baking!!
- Reconnecting with family: Family time as a priority | it’s made me appreciate family time |The time spent with family is invaluable | helping my kids learn to read | had a moment to spend closer to family |Helped me give my family more time | Learnt a lot of things I had forgotten about my wife
- Exercise: I’ve run the most km’s during lockdown that ever before | regular yoga sessions with my wife in the mornings! | Running more
- Opportunity to reflect: I’ve had time for reflection on where I am heading | Decluttering | lots of reflection
- Self-care and self-development: became better at managing energy levels | More time to focus on interpersonal development | focussing on what is important.
I found these responses, grouped into themes, very fascinating, and encouraging. So as 2020 comes to an end, instead of wishing that it had never happened or that the end cannot come soon enough what this year has brought you that can help bring your lives as individuals, leaders, teams, companies, and nations onto a better trajectory? This can’t all be for nothing, right?